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Comic storytelling on social networks

A guide to the connected world Comics , you should know by now, are a formidable awareness tool that adapts to any environment and...

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How to apply storytelling to marketing

Marketing and storytelling are two words often used in the same context, but storytelling doesn't simply mean writing suitable copy and having an engaging call to action. What does it mean to tell stories? Generating emotions ...

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3 reasons to use comics as a marketing tool

Simple principles of storytelling to stand out in communication Without a marketing strategy, an attractive product alone is not ...

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This is why comics can play a fundamental role in the development of your business

Comics “resonate” with our brains in a way that is so profound and effective than any other media. It seems impossible to believe b...

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C4B aiuta le aziende a comunicare in modo più chiaro, memorabile e persuasivo sia ai propri dipendenti - migliorando il clima e l’engagement - che al mercato, generando awareness sui prodotti e servizi offerti e facilitando l’acquisizione di nuovi clienti.

Ecco perché, noi de ilmiofumetto.it, abbiamo inventato un toolkit innovativo e versatile che permetterà alla tua azienda, grande o piccola che sia, di essere protagonista nel mondo della comunicazione digitale. Che si tratti comunicazione verso i tuoi clienti o all’interno della tua organizzazione, i fumetti, fidati, sono lo strumento perfetto.

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