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personalizzazione casco moto


Rachela turns to ilmiofumetto.it because she wants to create a personalized comic sticker to be applied on a motocross helmet.

This is not just any helmet, because it is the one that protects the life of her husband, who is passionate about engines and above all about great jumps and stunts on motorcycles.
Even the sticker is not a trivial sticker because Rachela would like to represent the whole family: mother Rachela, in fact, her husband and the baby of the house, Chloe.
All packaged in a small 9 × 13 format and in pure caricature style.
Rachela, however, is in a bit of a hurry because her husband's birthday is very close and fears that she will not be able to carry out this project in time.
Luckily he finds us on Google and contacts us quickly. In two days, thanks to a quick exchange of information, photos and other details via WhatsApp, we create the graphics for the sticker ready for printing.
The result is much appreciated by Rachela who rewards us with five stars. Now, even on his motorcycle, your husband will always have his beautiful family in mind!
Thanks Rachela and spread the word!

Find out more about our cartoon caricatures on the dedicated page of the site my comic.it.

online caricatures
custom stickers for motorcycles
custom helmet stickers

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