Alfonso contacts us from the charming Bologna. Volunteer at a local association, Alfonso would like to create a series of cartoons to sensitize the visitors of the hilly parks around Bologna. The biggest problem that Alfonso points out to us is the collection and differentiation of the so-called “rusco”, a dialectal term for generically indicating garbage. During the spring and summer months, the crowding in the parks increases considerably and this inevitably produces a mountain of waste, which unfortunately is abandoned on the lawns, on the paths, on the side of the roads. A comic could educate the locals! This is Alfonso's idea, at least. So we immediately get to work and create a modular story consisting of 6 cartoons: each cartoon (module) can live alone, or tell a mini-story, together with the other 5. The reason for this modularity is that in addition to the comic story - which will be printed on 70x100 panels and disseminated in various areas of the parks - Alfonso will be able to print individual signs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. with the individual cartoons.
The drawings are the work of the talented Giulia, who has adopted a cartoon style. We delivered the color and black and white files to Alfonso so that he could print everything well in advance before the spring rush. We hope that this beautiful initiative will bear fruit as soon as possible !!
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