Marzia wanted to make a special Christmas gift for her son, with a huge passion for Disney comics. Little time available and a limited budget ... led us to generate a series of ideas which then materialized into a brilliant idea to say the least! Representing Marzia's son, Simone, as one of the most loved Diseny characters among children: Paperinik! To do this we decided not to "paperise" Simone but to transfigure his human traits in Disney style. The task was entrusted to Marianna, from the school of comics in Milan and the result was amazing !! Obviously the maxi cover has been printed on a 30x40 rigid panel so Simone will be able to admire himself continuously in the role of his beloved Paperinik!
Merry Christmas, Simone!
Do you want to make quick caricatures to make an original and witty gift without spending a fortune? Then ask for a quote without obligation and give an emotion, with !!
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