When Alessandro Cascio contacted us a few months ago, we were no longer in the skin.

We had recently launched our new brand Comics 4 Business (C4B), comics for companies, and we already had an important client. Alex is a real authority in the universe of investigative and security services. With a multi-decade professional history behind him and a technical-legal training that few in Italy can boast, he has built a small empire that provides advice and services to hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals.

Alex contacted the comic because the pandemic has particularly hit this sector and Demetra Group has had to run for cover and make sometimes drastic and painful decisions.

To relaunch the business, Alessandro thought it was necessary to send a new and strong signal to the market, a signal of continuity but also of a break with the past. In the ways and in the substance. His idea was very simple: a large-format OOH (out of home) campaign in his hometown of Turin. This campaign had to have the threefold objective of:

  1. Re-launch and rejuvenate the image of DG (Demetra Group)
  2. Communicate the "core" services offered by the company in a surprising, effective and "catchy" way with a clear and differentiating call to action compared to the competition
  3. Create a mascot, spokesperson for the company, easily recognizable and bearer of the values ​​and mission of the Demetra Group

In C4B, the business division of, we have a team that can assist the customer at 360 °, from the construction of the project, to marketing consultancy on all media, to the creation of the most suitable graphic product, to the identification of the most suitable advertising medium. suitable to support campaigns in the medium term.

Our team made up of 1 Key Acocunt, 1 project manager, 1 business storyteller, 1 copy and 1 illustrator immediately got to work: from the pencils of Charles, the illustrator selected for the graphic style best suited to the client's needs, a phenomenal mascot has come out: an investigating bull (to affirm, through the main symbol of the city - the bull - the belonging of DG to the foundation territory). The mascot then became the protagonist of 2 very large-format poster campaigns: the first campaign, dedicated to investigative services for individuals on marital infidelity, went on air at the end of December and is displayed on the walls and on the signs of the streets of the city ​​center for two weeks. A funny, ironic communication, but also extremely precise in the construction of the message and in the call to action.

The second campaign, dedicated to anti-theft services in large retail and large-scale distribution companies, was intended to reassure future customers of the skills and professionalism of Demetra personnel in carrying out these delicate functions. It went to press in the second half of January and generated great success.

Alessandro Cascio then wanted to celebrate the foundation anniversary with the creation of a personalized comic in which he, in the role of the protagonist, retraced all the stages of his professional adventure, from the beginning to the present day.

Not a self-congratulatory comic, an end in itself, but a real brand story with the aim of building awareness and reputation both with the public of loyal customers and with prospects with targeted communications, at trade fairs, in large public meetings .

Alex's enthusiasm for the services offered by C4B culminated in the creation of some car wraps with the mascot: a small fleet of 500c that parade through the streets of Turin with the image of the face of Demeter's mascot.

It was a pleasure to have worked with Alessandro in recent weeks. Alex Cascio is an enlightened leader who was able to face the consequences of the pandemic with a clear and innovative vision; a true "category leader", capable of seeing the road and following it first, bringing significant evolution. We are pleased that the comic language is part of all this and we are ready to help new companies to communicate in an increasingly clear, effective and innovative way, thanks to C4B.

comics for business
cartoon for business
comics for companies
comic communication
business storytelling
brand storytelling
visual storytelling
business communication
comic advertising
customized comics for companies
cartoon business mascot
comics for companies
visual storytelling