regalo di fine anno scolastico alle maestre


The end of school, as we know, is the best time for millions of students ... in Italy as well as all over the world. Yet in some cases, the start of the summer holidays coincides with the closure of a school cycle. The most emotionally relevant is that of elementary school. The fifth grade students have lived 5 years of their life in contact with special people who, with love, patience, dedication, have made all their knowledge available to these young minds.

They taught to read, write, count, study, draw. They laid the foundations for the formation of their adult character, they contributed in a very relevant way to their education. These special people are the teachers and mistresses of Italy that the children of yesterday, those of today and even those of tomorrow will remember for their whole life with great affection and perennial gratitude.

Lucia is the mother of a 5th grade child from a school in Bologna and she set out to find an original gift to give to the teachers of the 5th B to pay them homage and thank them for the enormous work they have done over the years. V ° B is a multi-ethnic class, with children from all over the world. An example of cultural integration, civil coexistence and social enrichment. In the face of those who want to defend the Italic race and reject the foreign threat off the coast of Lampedusa.

These children are happy, smiling, bearers of universal values ​​of diversity and beauty, respect and coexistence (yes, even religious). And who but their teachers are the main architects of this miracle? Who made this class united? Who cemented the values ​​of friendship, tolerance, respect? Who has valued the differences and weaknesses? Always and only the teachers of this beautiful class-symbol !!

Lucia was convinced that to worthily celebrate these teachers one had to resort to a truly unique gift idea. We could not leave the task of recounting 5 years of life together and 24 little great personalities to the banality of printed photos albeit on glossy and finely bound paper. There was a need to tell a story, to leave a mark, to entrust the enthusiasm, the singularity, the passion of each of these children to a narrator.

For this Lucia turned to and for this we helped her to create a unique work of its kind in which each child tells a piece of himself, of his relationship with the teachers. It is their way of thanking, of closing one cycle and opening another, accompanied by the sure-footed and sincere smile of these extraordinary teachers.

Lucia was very good at pivoting with 24 wild moms, at keeping them at bay, at channeling their emotions. He convinced them to create a personalized comic with the children and the teachers as protagonists. She collected ideas, elaborated them and worked closely with the team, demonstrating skills as a skilled scriptwriter and providing all the photographic material necessary for the creative execution.

The result of this work - which took a month of hard work, the usual incomparable skill of our illustrator Marialuisa, long chats of drafts, revisions, corrections, exchanges of words and images even in the depths of the night (poor Lucia!) - is was a custom color comic, printed in 3 copies on 24 pages and hardcover, bound in paperback.

The delivery took place between emotion, surprise, joy, sadness. A mixture of emotions of genuine workmanship as always happens when is involved!

If you too are looking for a truly unique and original gift, visit our page dedicated to personalized comics . Give an emotion with . Visit the gallery to see some of our recent works or request a free quote . It's quick and easy!

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