stile cartoon

A nest for Ylenia

Ylenia lives in Carrara and is about to take a very important step in her love story with Alessio. For 9 years these two guys have been engaged and have decided to go and live under the same roof! A crucial, beautiful and exciting moment. To celebrate this happy event, Ylenia decided to rely on Considering her budget and her enthusiasm, we immediately proposed the creation of a comic on canvas: a scene that would tell of this choice of coexistence and at the same time that was an omen for the definitive consolidation of a long relationship of love.

In a few moments our creatives went wild and we gave birth to a winning concept, which immediately convinced Ylenia: she to Alessio, sitting on a very comfortable sofa, complete with a blanket, popcorn enjoying films and TV series, embraced like two lovebirds . All in a GIANT NEST that would give the idea of ​​the intimacy of the house. And then a nice phrase to cap the whole scene. Promoted! Ylenia was very impressed and we started with the realization, this time entrusted to Samantha, a queen with colors and perfectly able to make certain intimate atmospheres.

Find out more about our caricatures on canvas ... for spouses and not!


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