fumetti erotici

Erotic Comics and Lockdown

During the first lockdown (that of March / April 2020) we recorded a peak of visits never observed before. Initially we thought that our SEO ranking (the score assigned by Google to each website)

porn comic stories

had grown due to some improvements made to some pages, in terms of content and searchability.

Then, delving deeper into the matter, we realized that it was another reason: hundreds of people a day landed on ours in search of "hard comics".

Exactly. You got it right ... erotic comics, hot, porn.

80's porn comics

The increase in traffic to the site occurred precisely in conjunction with the more restrictive measures of the Conte government in mid-March 2020.

People, locked up at home, forced to work in smart, or worse still in layoffs, found nothing better to do than look for a little distraction in ... sex.

Strange, in an era in which the web offers more than one possibility - however free - to have access to hardcore content of all sorts.

Yet here we are talking about a niche (sorry!) Of nostalgic users and amateurs of the genre: fans of old-fashioned comics and therefore also of the graphic art of comics.

So we decided to dedicate an entire collection of products to erotic comics in all its forms. And the idea paid off in full!

Visit the section of our site on erotic comics .

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