ILMIOFUMETTO.IT sostiene ActionAid nella lotta alle mutilazioni genitali femminili con il progetto After.

ILMIOFUMETTO.IT supports ActionAid in the fight against female genital mutilation with the After project.

In January we were contacted by Asia Fiorini, Communication Officer of Action Aid, an independent non-profit organization engaged in national and international projects in support of fundamental human rights.

Asia, to whom we had given our maximum willingness last summer to make comics focused on topics covered by Action Aid, has decided to entrust us with the creation of a short video comic to be conveyed on social and web channels.

The theme addressed is that of the fight against female genital mutilation, a global phenomenon that affects at least 200 million girls and girls and which has now become worrying even in our country, affecting large age groups in migrant female populations.

The After project, co-financed by the European Union and of which Action Aid is the spokesperson, is committed to building a network of people, activists and professionals involved in various capacities in this fight. hopes to have given its small contribution by making this video in which the purple shower head represents the diffusion of positive messages and expresses a sense of freedom.


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